UPDATE ON SPLODGE: This dear pony never recovered her health and had to be euthanased. We were heartbroken. She was much loved and we tried our best.

She’s no thoroughbred but Splodge the pony has drawn more attention from an adoring public than the average race horse.

This small pony with the unusual face markings was brought to EARS’ attention by concerned Greyton residents who noticed her profound limp. After a thorough hoof examination, we found an abscess but the usual treatment didn’t seem to work and further investigation revealed that infection had travelled far up her leg and possibly into the bone. This required expensive antibiotic treatment so Splodge and her sweet little foal, Sammy, were admitted to our hospital camp at the Sanctuary.

She’s under Penny’s vigilant care but progress is slow and expensive. Thanks to our generous supporters who have fallen in love with this gentle girl, we received several thousand rands in donations which have paid for her medication. Treatment is ongoing but with everyone rooting for her, we’re hopeful she will pull through.