This is the perfect gift for that friend who has everything, for an ardent animal lover, or for a child. Visit us to choose your donkey, check out our Meet Our Donkeys page, or ask us to choose one for you.
The adoption fee is R1200 a year, or R100 per month, and in return you get unlimited visits with your donkey, a personalised adoption certificate, and a quarterly newsletter updating you on your donkey.

Every year dozens of new foals are born to the horses that free-graze in and around Greyton. Many of these vulnerable foals are attacked by dogs, fall into ditches or are hit by cars. The best way to control this over-population of horses (there are currently more than 600 in the region) is through sterilisation which is why we have launched a gelding programme. Through this programme, we employ veterinarians to geld stallions – an operation that takes less than an hour and can be performed where the horse is grazing – and we offer chemical sterilisation to mares. You can help by donating to our gelding programme.

As a non-profit organisation, EARS relies solely on donations to continue its rescue and rehabilitation work. Our charity shop in Main Road, Greyton, is a significant source of funding. We accept all gently-worn clothing, books, bric a brac, kitchen appliances and more. Call Sherry on 072 433 0737 or email mandyannevd36@gmail.com if you’re in Cape Town’s southern suburbs and have items we can collect.

Thousands of visitors to Greyton’s Saturday Morning Market enjoy a cart or pony ride. Together with market organisers, EARS strives to ensure the horses have water, that their harnesses and tack are in working order and that the horses are in good health. EARS works closely with horse owners to try to keep their horses healthy and well-cared for. We rely on members of the public to alert us to mistreatment.